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Understanding Medicare Prescription Drug plan phases 


​What are the differences between the Coverage Phases?

  • Deductible Phase

    Until you meet your yearly Part D deductible, you will pay full price for your covered prescriptions. Once the annual deductible is met the plan will begin to cover the cost of your drugs based on the plans prescription drug benefits. While deductibles can vary from plan to plan, no plans deductible can be higher than $545 in 2024, and some plans have no deductible.

  • Before Gap, or Initial Coverage Phase

    This is the stage after you have met your deductible, if applicable, and before your total drug expenses, have reached $5,030 in 2024 including amounts you’ve paid and what your Plan has paid on your behalf. In this phase, you will either pay a copay or coinsurance (a percentage of the drug’s cost) when you have a prescription filled. This phase lasts until you and your plan reach a total of $5,030 in 2024 drug spending, at which time you move into the Coverage Gap phase.

  • During Gap, or Coverage Gap Phase

    This phase is commonly referred to as the "Donut Hole." It occurs after you and your plan reach $5,030 in 2024 in drug spending. During the Coverage Gap phase, you are usually responsible for paying a higher portion of the drug cost. After your true out-of-pocket costs (TrOOP) reach a total of $8,000 in 2024, you move into the Catastrophic Coverage phase. Out-of-pocket costs include your annual deductible as well as your copayments or coinsurance. Premiums do not count towards out-of-pocket costs.

    Note: Some plans provide additional coverage in the Coverage Gap, which can lower your share of the cost for drugs during this phase.

  • After Gap, or Catastrophic Coverage Phase

    For Plan Year 2023:

    After you reach a total of $7,400 in 2023 in out-of-pocket prescription drug expenses, you will start paying a different copay or coinsurance for covered, both generic and brand-name prescription drugs. In the Catastrophic Coverage phase, copays are typically lower than during the Initial Coverage phase. This phase lasts until the end of the plan year.

    For Plan Year 2024:

    After you reach a total of $8,000 in 2024 in out-of-pocket prescription drug expenses, you will pay $0 for covered Part D drugs. This phase lasts until the end of the plan year.

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 8 organizations which offer 70 - 100 plans in your area.

Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, to get all of your options.

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